Discover the live status of all lifts, pistes as well as activities on the interactive piste map of Unterbäch. The winter sports report is updated dailyby 9.00 a.m. at the latest.
Season info
- Ginals
- Installations( 6 of 7 / 8 km of 8 km open )
- Raron - Unterbäch
- Unterbäch - Brandalp
- Brandalp - Breite Stäg
- Breite Stäg - Unter Sänntum
- Unter Sänntum - Seefeld
- Dorflift
- Swiss Snow Kids Village
- Slopes( 11 of 14 / 14 km of 19 km open )
- Schäfferhütte
- Solihang
- Brandalp - Unterbäch
- Solihang
- Becki - Unterbäch
- Brandalp - Unterbäch
- Übungslift & Kinderparadies
- Skilifthang Ober Sänntum
- Unter Sänntum - Breite Stäg
- Rückfahrtstrasse Breite Stäg - Brandalp
- Seefeld - Unter Sänntum
- Steinmanjni
- Verbindung Eischoll - Unterbäch
- Rückfahrtpiste Meiggerli
- Winter and snow shoe trails( 8 of 8 / 14 km of 14 km open )
- Goldlocke's Winterkompass
- Panorama-Winterwanderweg Unterbäch-Bürchen
- Panorama-Winterwanderweg Unterbäch-Eischoll
- Brandalp-Trail
- Frauenzitaten-Trail
- Becki Trail
- Suonen-Trail
- Eggini-Trail
- Snow Parcs( 2 of 3 open )
- Fun Slope die Mobiliar
- Nachtskifahren
- Swiss Snow Kids Village
- Gastronomy( 10 of 11 open )
- Restaurant ChezMo
- Bergrestaurant Ginals
- Mad Moose Bar
- Chill-Out Bar
- Wolfshöhle
- ProJacks
- Hotel-Restaurant Alpenrösli
- Hotel-Restaurant Alpenhof
- Sporthotel Walliserhof
- Hotel-Restaurant Bietschhorn
- Ferienwohnungen/Chalets
- Sledges( 1 of 2 / 0 km of 5 km open )
- Breite Stäg - Brandalp
- Brandalp - Unterbäch (Talabfahrt)
- Hiking trails( 0 km of 4 km open )
- Skulpturen-Weg
- Rundwanderung Haltsuon / Hängebrücke
- Rundwanderung Brandalp / Eischoll / Hängebrücke
- Wandfluhweg
- Wolfspfad
- Rundwanderung Eischollalp
- Rundwanderung Moosalp (kurz)
- Frauenzitaten-Weg
- Rundwanderung Alte Eischlersuon:
- Suonen Rundwanderung
- Wanderung Alpe Tschorr
- Rundwanderung Moosalp
- Gratwanderung Augstbordhorn
- Rundwanderung Jolischlucht
- Themenweg Moosalbi und die Waldtiere
- Ergischhorn
In progress
Attention: Closed pistes are closed pistes! Outside the operating hours, the slopes are closed and not protected from any hazards, such as avalanche blasting or piste machines with winches. The daily monitoring of the pistes ends with the closing of the piste. Skiing on closed and thus blocked pistes is exclusively at your own risk. Danger to life!
Walking on and entering the winter hiking trails, snowshoe trails and ski touring routes is at your own risk and responsibility! The operating conditions of the various paths and routes shown on the interactive panorama map are intended as a recommendation. However, Unterbäch Tourism accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the content provided.